Tuesday, April 21, 2009


So, as promised, here's a taste of our Easter. We had the usual potluck breakfast at church - Kev lives for that each year, along with the Thanksgiving dinner and pretty much any other potluck supper at church - then the kids got to do the Egg Hunt in the parking lot. This year we had a bunch of kids running around and it was great!

The hardest part was keeping Josiah out of the eggs before they were hidden - he found them in the church kitchen and was just sure he could get them all open and cleaned out before we noticed. We tried to put more than just candy in them; some had erasers and some had stickers (which happen to be Josiah's favorite thing at the moment). Then after church we went home for a snack and a nap before Easter supper with Grandma and Grandaddy. When they got up from napping we let them go thru their easter baskets.Gennie loves Barbies and all things princess-y these days so hers was full accordingly - complete with a pair of princess sunglasses which she has barely taken off her face since then. Josiah is beyond obsessed with vaccuum cleaners . . . and anything you can push around while making the vaccuum sound . . . so he got a wagon (which he calls My Back-oom) and a helicopter and a plane. And yes, all his toys with wheels make the vaccuum sound, except for the cars which make a humming sound ending with a high-pitched squeal at the end when they screech to a stop. All boy.

Anyway, we had a great Easter! Hope you all did, too!

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