Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gennie got dunked!

 So, last Sunday we had our church service outside at the park The board decided to have our yearly baptism service on a Sunday during regular church time this year.  Gennie was one of the seven people who went thru the class and were ready to be baptized!  We were thrilled! 
 During the service the candidates were asked to give their personal testimony of when they came to know Jesus as their saviour.  Gennie wanted to write hers out so she wouldn't forget anything when she got nervous. 
 The service ended with a prayer over the candidates, then we all went down to the boat ramp for the baptizing!  My dad (the pastor) had some last minute instructions for them:
 Then Kev, being an elder, got to walk her out first.  And it was a good thing he was there, too, because the water was moving pretty fast:
 Dad had all the elders helping walk out the people and keeping himself from floating away.  Our close friend Jerrid Washburn got to be out there for her with Kevin. (thanks Jerrid!)
 "Genesis, because of your faith in Jesus Christ and your decision to follow Him, I now baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!"

 Then her feet slipped off the rock she was standing on:
 And she came up sputtering! 

 She was really surprised at how cold the water was, and slipping off the rock kinda rattled her so she burst into tears.  But honestly, she was happy!
After everyone had their turn, we went back up to the pavillion for a BBQ and hanging out.  The sun came out and it turned into a really beautiful day! 


sinkthis said...

wonderful, Gennie! My dad baptised me; very meaningful, but more so when a loved one participates in the event!

Ann Summerville said...

Precious pictures.